Senior Zooarchaeologist
Marina Chorro-Giner BA BSc MSc
Marina is a Senior Zooarchaeologist at archaeology.biz and PhD candidate in archaeology at the University of Sheffield. She has worked on various mammal, bird and fish bone assemblages dating from the Iron Age to the medieval and post-medieval period in Britain and the Roman period in Spain. She has previous experience working as a field archaeologist in Spain and England, both in academic and commercial settings.
Marina’s research interests focus on the study of reptiles and amphibians in archaeology, specifically in the Mediterranean region. Her PhD project is about the study of trade and cultural contacts within the Mediterranean, as well as human diet, environmental reconstruction, and biogeography through the study of terrestrial and fresh-water turtles.
A list of Marina's grey literature reporting can be found here.
MSc Osteoarchaeology - University of Sheffield, 2021
BA History - The University of Barcelona, 2017
BSc Archaeology - The University of Barcelona, 2015
Professional Membership
International Council for Archaeozoology (ICAZ)
Chorro-Giner, M. and Russ, H. 2025. The role of animals at Roman Settlements. In Chapter 4: Living on the edge, settlement and agriculture in the Roman period.
Chorro-Giner, M., Russ, H. and Hogue, J. T. 2025. Animal bone. In Chapter 7: Medieval and post-medieval rural settlement and industry.
Walker, J. R. with Bailey, L., Fryer, V., Turner, K., Wallace, M., Chorro-Giner, M. and Russ, H. 2025 Cultivating Fuel and Food: The Environmental Assemblage. In Scholma-Mason, O. and Lane, T. Chapter 5: An esteemed resource, Roman salt working at Triton Knoll.
Conference Presentations and Posters
Chorro-Giner, M. 2022. Reptiles and amphibians in archaeology. [Presentation]. Archaeozoology of Southern Africa (AZOOSA) working group meeting, 9th September, online.
Chorro-Giner, M. 2021. Sfruttamento delle tartarughe terrestri in Iberia e Italia. [Poster]. Italian Association of Archaeozoology (AIAZ) 10th National Archaeozoology Conference, 3 - 6 November, Siena, Italy.
Chorro-Giner, M. 2021. Aquatic reptiles and amphibians in Archaeology. [Presentation]. Mayor Topics in Zooarchaeology short course: Aquatic Resources, 15th September, Zooarchaeology Lab, University of Sheffield, online.
Chorro-Giner, M. 2021. Tortoise exploitation in Iberia and Italy. [Presentation]. University of Sheffield’s Zooarchaeology Lab and University of York’s BioArchLab mini virtual conference, 11th February, online.
MSc Dissertation
Chorro-Giner, M. 2020. Tortoise exploitation in Iberia and Italy: A zooarchaeological approach. University of Sheffield.