Zooarchaeologist and Director
Dr Hannah Russ FSA MCIfA
Hannah was appointed a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of London (FSA)
in a ballot held on 21st February 2019.
Hannah is an experienced post-excavation manager who has worked on commercial, community and university-based projects, as well as a recognised zooarchaeologist who has worked on material from sites across the UK, the Mediterranean, and SW Asia. She has featured as a regular expert presenter in More4's The Great British Dig alongside Hugh Dennis, Dr. Chloe Duckworth, Natasha Billson, Richard Taylor, and John Henry Phillips.
PhD Archaeological Sciences - University of Bradford, 2011
MSc Biological Archaeology - University of Bradford, 2006
BSc (Hons) Bioarchaeology - University of Bradford, 2004
A Level Archaeology - Ossett School and Sixth Form College, 2001
Nominated: Current Archaeology Awards 2025: Rescue Project of the Year: If walls could talk: tracing Beaumaris’ lost town defences
Winner: Broadcast Digital Awards 2024. Best Popular Factual Programme: The Great British Dig.
Nominated: Broadcast Digital Awards 2023. Best Popular Factual Programme: The Great British Dig.
Nominated: Current Archaeology Awards 2023: Rescue Project of the Year: From abbey infirmary to academic accommodation: tracing the evolution of Dulverton House
Nominated: Broadcast Digital Awards 2022. Best Popular Factual Programme: The Great British Dig.
Eila Campbell Scholarship - British Federation of Women Graduates, 2010
Professional Membership
International Council for Archaeozoology (ICAZ)
Fish Remains Working Group (FRWG)

Albarella, U., with M. Rizzetto, H. Russ, K. Vickers & S. Viner-Daniels (eds). 2017.
Oxford Handbook of Zooarchaeology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Click on the paper or book title to access these publications online. Paywalls may apply.
Some publications may be available on request - please contact me to inquire.
A list of Hannah's grey literature can be found here.
Journal Publications
Russ, H. and Waterworth, J. 2024. Animal bone. In Carrington, P. and Mason, D. Excavations at Heronbridge 2002–5 Part 1: The Roman Settlement. Journal of the Chester Archaeological Society, Supplementary 1: 185-191.
Al Meqbali, A. A. R., Eddisford, D., de Vreeze, M., Almenhali, H. H., Al Yammahi, A., Fadel, H., Al Tawalbeh, D., Botan, S. and Russ, H. 2024. Archaeological Excavations at Umm an-Nar Island 1959-2022. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 53: 150-164. https://www.archaeopress.com/Archaeopress/Products/9781803277912
Russ, H. 2024. Post-medieval material: Animal bone and marine shell. In Jones, M. and Rees, C. Archaeological works at the Social Club, Steeple Lane, Beaumaris. Anglesey Antiquarian Society and Field Club Transactions 2023: 46.
Cootes, K., Axworthy, J., Borrini, M., Carlin, R., Irish, J., Jordan, D., King, M., Russ, H., Swallow, R., Thomas, M., Valoriani, S., Father Terence, W. and Petchey, F. 2023. Poulton, Cheshire: The investigation of a rural chapel in an evolving medieval landscape. Church Archaeology 23: 43-53. https://doi.org/10.5284/1081988
Hogue, J. T., Wilkinson, K. N., Allison, E., Hill, T., Knul, M. V., Law, M., Perez-Fernandez, M., Russ, H., Schreve, D., Scott, K., Sherriff, J. E., Toms, P., Young, D., Lisa Westcott-Wilkins, L. and Wilkins, B. 2023. Pleistocene environments, climate, and human activity in Britain during Marine Isotope Stage 7: insights from Oak Tree Fields, Cerney Wick, Gloucestershire Running title: Palaeolithic archaeology at Cerney Wick. Journal of Quaternary Science. https://doi.org/10.1002/jqs.3512
Buckley, M., Harvey, V. L., Petiffer, D., Russ, H., Wouters, W. and Van Neer, W. 2022. Medieval fish remains on the Newport ship identified by ZooMS collagen peptide mass fingerprinting. Archaeological and Anthropological Science 14: 41. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12520-021-01478-y
Franklin, J. and Cox, S. with contributions from Bailey, L. and Russ, H. 2022. Loaves and fishes in St Andrews: excavations at 100 North Street. Tayside and Fife Archaeological Journal 28: 35-64.
Cootes, K., D. Broughton, C. Armstrong, J. Axworthy, D. Jordan, H. Russ & R. Carlin. 2021-22. A time capsule of a time capsule: A charcoal filled pit within Poulton Chapel Graveyard. Cheshire History 61: 195-201.
Russ, H. & A. Trentacoste. 2021. Wild food in an urban environment: freshwater fish consumption at the Archaic town of Forcello (northern Italy). Anthropozoologica 56 (5): 71-85.
Cootes, K., Axworthy, J., Jordan, D., Thomas, M. & Carlin, R. with contributions from Bormetti, M., Brooks, I., Davenport, C., Dungworth, D., Elliott, L., Lange, P., O’Brien, C., Russ, H. & Viner-Daniels, S. 2021. IV: Poulton, Cheshire The Excavation of a Lowland Iron Age Settlement. Journal of the Chester Archaeological Society 91: 103-178.
Parker, A. G., S. J. Armitage, M. Engel, M. W. Morley, A. Parton, G. W. Preston, H. Russ & P. Drechsler. 2020. Palaeoenvironmental and Sea Level Changes during the Early to mid-Holocene in Eastern Saudi Arabia and their implications for Neolithic populations. Quaternary Science Reviews 249, 106618.
Robinson, G., M. Town, T. Ballin, A. Clarke, J. Dunne, R. Evershed, L. F. Gardiner, A. Gibson and H. Russ. 2020. Furness’s First Farmers: Evidence of Early Neolithic Settlement and Dairying in Cumbria. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 1-34. doi:10.1017/ppr.2020.2
Speed, G., P. Rowe, H. Russ & L. F. Gardiner. 2018. A game of two (unequal) halves: The Early Mesolithic site at Little Holtby, near Leeming, North Yorkshire. Mesolithic Miscellany 26.1: 49-87.
Dyer, C., Harward, C. and Western, G., with contributions by Blinkhorn, P., Gardiner, L. F., Hall, R., Mepham, L. and Russ, H. 2017. Iron Age Burials and Medieval Farm Buildings: Excavations at Horse and Groom Inn, Bourton-on-the-Hill, 2013. Transactions of the Bristol & Gloucestershire Archaeological Society 135: 155–194.
Ross, C., L. F. Gardiner, G. Brogan & H. Russ. 2017. Post-Roman crop production and processing: Archaeological evidence from Goldthorpe, South Yorkshire. Environmental Archaeology 22(3): 233-246. doi: 10.1080/14614103.2016.1168621
Gleba, M., E. F. Foulds, A. Teasdale & H. Russ. 2017. First identification of club moss use in Roman Britain. Archaeological Textile Review 59.
Petersen, A., F. A. Al-Naimi, A. Grey, I. Edwards, A. Hill, H. Russ & D. Williams. 2016. Ruwayda: an historic urban settlement in north Qatar. Post-Medieval Archaeology 50(2): 321-349.
Russ, H. & A. Petersen. 2013. Fish and fishing during the Late Islamic period at Rubayqa, northern Qatar; preliminary results. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 43: 277-284.
Russ, H., I. Armit, J. McKenzie & A. K. G. Jones. 2012. Deep-sea fishing in Iron Age Scotland? New evidence from Broxmouth hillfort, East Lothian. Environmental Archaeology 17(2): 177-184.
Albarella, U., M. Charles, E. Forster, P. Halstead, G. Jones, H. Russ, A. Trentacoste & M. Wallace. 2012. Bioarchaeology and Environmental Archaeology at the University of Sheffield. Interdisciplinaria Archaeologica Natural Sciences in Archaeology 3: 171-178.
Russ, H. & A. K. G. Jones. 2011. Fish remains in cave deposits; how did they get there? Cave and Karst Science 38(3): 57-60.
Russ, H. 2010. The Eurasian eagle owl (Bubo bubo): a fish bone accumulator on Pleistocene cave sites? Journal of Taphonomy 8(4): 281-290.
Russ, H. & A. K. G. Jones. 2009. Late Upper Palaeolithic fishing in the Fucino Basin, central Italy, a detailed analysis of the remains from Grotta di Pozzo. Environmental Archaeology 14(2): 151-158.
Chapters in Edited Volumes
Morgan, V. & H. Russ. forthcoming. Marine molluscs and other marine invertebrates from Sasanian and Early Islamic Period sites in Kuwait Bay. In Kennett, D.
Russ, H. 2025. The Marine Molluscs. In Kennet, D., A. Caine, A. Hilton and Weeks, L. The Bronze Age Collective Graves of Qarn al-Harf, Ras al-Khaimah (UAE): Southeast Arabia at the Dawn of the Second Millennium. Oxford: Oxbow.
Walker, J. R. with Bailey, L., Fryer, V., Turner, K., Wallace, M., Chorro-Giner, M. and Russ, H. 2025 Cultivating Fuel and Food: The Environmental Assemblage. In Scholma-Mason, O. and Lane, T. Chapter 5: An esteemed resource, Roman salt working at Triton Knoll.
Chorro-Giner, M. and Russ, H. 2025. The role of animals at Roman Settlements. In Chapter 4: Living on the edge, settlement and agriculture in the Roman period.
Chorro-Giner, M., Russ, H. and Hogue, J. T. 2025. Animal bone. In Chapter 7: Medieval and post-medieval rural settlement and industry.
Baines, J., H. Russ & E. Wright. 2020. Chapter 8: Animal and plant remains. In Fell, D. Contact, Concord and Conquest: Britons and Romans at Scotch Corner. NAA Monograph Series 5. Barnard Castle: Northern Archaeological Associates.
Wright, E., H. Russ & J. Baines. 2019. Chapter 9: Environmental remains. In Speed, G. P. and M. Holst Death, Burial and Identity: 3000 Years of Death in the Vale of Mowbray. NAA Monograph Series 4. Barnard Castle: Northern Archaeological Associates.
Parker, A. G., S. J. Armitage, M. Engel, M. W. Morley, A. Parton, G. W. Preston & H. Russ. 2018. Chapter 2: Geomorphology, Geoarchaeology and Paleoenvironments. In Drechsler, P. (ed.) Dosariyah: An Arabian Neolithic Coastal Community in the Central Gulf. British Foundation for the Study of Arabia Monographs 19. Oxford: Archaeopress.
Russ, H. 2016. To fish, or not to fish? Using observations of recent hunter-gatherer fishing in the interpretation of Late Pleistocene fish bone assemblages. In Broderick, L. (ed.) People with Animals: Perspectives and Studies in Ethnozooarchaeology. Oxford: Oxbow.
Russ, H. 2015. Fishing. In Beaudry, M. C & K. Metheny (eds) The Archaeology of Food: An Encyclopedia. Lanham: AltaMira Press.
Russ, H. 2013. Fish. In Armit, I. & J. McKenzie (eds) An Inherited Place: Broxmouth hillfort and the southeast Scottish Iron Age. p.473-475. Edinburgh: Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.
Russ, H. 2013. Crustacea. In Armit, I. & J. McKenzie (eds) An Inherited Place: Broxmouth hillfort and the southeast Scottish Iron Age. p.475-476. Edinburgh: Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.
Melton, N. D. & H. Russ. 2013. Archaeological evaluation undertaken in 2007 on the site of the 1834 Gristhorpe discovery. In Melton, N. D., C. Knusel & J. Montgomery (eds) Gristhorpe Man: A Life and Death in the Bronze Age. p.79-87. Oxford: Oxbow.
Russ, H. 2011. Thomas Street, Bristol: Fish bone. In Watts, M. (ed.) Medieval and Post-Medieval Development within Bristol’s Inner Suburbs.Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Reports 7. p. 48. Cirencester: Cotswold Archaeology.
Russ, H. 2011. Harbourside, Bristol: Fish bone. In Watts, M. (ed.) Medieval and Post-Medieval Development within Bristol’s Inner Suburbs.Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Reports 7. p. 108. Cirencester: Cotswold Archaeology.
Mussi M., E. Cancellieri, E. D’Angelo, I. Fiore, R. T. Melis, H. Russ & L. Salvadei. 2011. Ricerche a Grotta di Pozzo (AQ): 1992-2009. In: Il Fucino e le aree limitrofe nell’Antichità. p.92-106. Avezzano: Archeoclub della Marsica.
Russ, H. 2009. Introduction to archaeological fish remains. BAJR Guide 29.
Russ, H. 2008. Taphonomic processes and human accumulation of fish remains at Palaeolithic sites in Europe. Grotta di Pozzo: a case study. In Béarez, P., S. Grouard & B. Clavel. Archaeologie du Poisson. 30 Ans d’Archaéo-Ichtyologie au CNRS. Hommage aux travaux de Jean Desse et Nathalie Desse-Berset. XXVIIIe rencontres internationales d’archaéologie et d’histoire d’Antibes. p. 295-300. Antibes: Éditions APDCA.
Russ, H., R. E. Donahue & A. K. G. Jones. 2008. Trout Processing in the Upper Palaeolithic? In N. Sykes and C. Newton (eds) Food and Drink in Archaeology I. p. 167-169. Totnes: Prospect Books.
Mussi, M., E. Cocca, E. D’Angelo, I. Foire, R. Melis & H. Russ. 2008. Tempi e modi del ripopolamento dell’Appennino centrale nel Tardiglaciale: nuove evidenze da Grotta di Pozzo (prov. L’Aquila). In Mussi, M. (ed.) Il Tardiglaciale in Italia, Lavori in Corso. BAR International Series 1859. p. 111-131. Oxford: BAR International.
NAA Monograph Series (Series Editor)
At NAA I established and managed the NAA Monograph Series. I was Series Editor for the first four volumes. Volumes 3 and 4 can be downloaded from the Archaeology Data Services, please click the volume titles to download.
Speed, G. 2015. Excavations at Mitchell Laithes Farm, Ossett, West Yorkshire. NAA Monograph Series 1. Barnard Castle: Northern Archaeological Associates.
Fell, D. and G. Robinson. 2018. A Life of Brine? Bronze Age Salt Marsh Activity at Greatham, Hartlepool. NAA Monograph Series 2. Barnard Castle: Northern Archaeological Associates.
Ambrey, C., D. Fell, R. Fraser, S. Ross, G. Speed & P. Wood. 2017. A Roman Roadside Settlement at Healam Bridge. The Iron Age to early medieval evidence. Volume 1: Archaeological narrative, environmental evidence, and human remains. NAA Monograph Series 3. Barnard Castle: Northern Archaeological Associates.
Ambrey, C., D. Fell, R. Fraser, S. Ross, G. Speed & P. Wood. 2017. A Roman Roadside Settlement at Healam Bridge. The Iron Age to early medieval evidence. Volume 2: Artefacts. NAA Monograph Series 3. Barnard Castle: Northern Archaeological Associates.
Speed, G. P. & M. Holst. 2019. Death, Burial and Identity: 3000 Years of Death in the Vale of Mowbray. NAA Monograph Series 4. Barnard Castle: Northern Archaeological Associates.