Dr David Griffiths
Roman pottery specialist and Director

PhD Roman Archaeology - University of Leicester, 2016
MA Archaeology - University of Bradford, 2006
BSc (Hons) Archaeology - University of Bradford, 2004
Grants and Awards
2013 - $12000 Boise State University Start-up grant: Pompeii Post-excavation Project
2011 - £3500 Nottingham Trent University – RAE Fund, Pompeian Pottery Analysis
2010 - £2000 Nottingham Trent University – RAE Fund, Pompeian Pottery Analysis
2009 - £2000 Roman Research Trust, Pottery from Slack Roman Fort and Vicus
Professional Membership
A list of David's specialist/grey literature reporting can be found here.
Griffiths, D. G. 2022. The Vessel Pottery and Lamps. In Carroll, M. (ed.) The Making of a Roman Imperial Estate: Archaeology in the Vicus at Vagnari, Puglia. Archaeopress Roman Archaeology 88. Oxford: Archaeopress Publications Limited.
Griffiths, D. G. 2022. Household Consumption of Artificial Light at Pompeii. In Papadopoulos, C. and G. Earl (eds) Oxford Handbook of Light in Archaeology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. https://oxfordindex.oup.com/view/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198788218.013.22
Wood, P. N. and Griffiths, D. G. 2022. Excavations at Chester. Roman land division and probable villa in the hinterland of Deva. Excavation at Saighton Army Camp, Huntington. Archaeopress Roman Archaeology 93. Oxford: Archaeopress Publishing Limited.
Griffiths, D. G. (with contributions from David Williams) 2020. Chapter 5: Amphorae. In Fell, D. W., Contact, Concord and Conquest: Britons and Romans at Scotch Corner. NAA Monograph Series Volume 5. Barnard Castle: Northern Archaeological Associates.
Griffiths, D. G. (with contributions from Kay Hartley) 2020. Chapter 5: Mortaria. In Fell, D. W., Contact, Concord and Conquest: Britons and Romans at Scotch Corner. NAA Monograph Series Volume 5. Barnard Castle: Northern Archaeological Associates.
Griffiths, D. G. 2019. Commercialization of the night at Pompeii. In Veal, R. and V. Leitch (eds) Fuel and Fire in the Roman World. Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research Series. https://doi.org/10.17863/CAM.46322
Speed, G. P., Teasdale, J. A. and Griffiths, D. G. 2019. Chapter 3. Bainesse Cemetery and Surrounding Area. In Speed, G. P. and M. Holst. Death, Burial and Identity: 3000 Years of Death in the Vale of Mowbray. NAA Monograph Series Volume 4. Barnard Castle: Northern Archaeological Associates.
Cool, H. E. M. and Griffiths, D. G. 2015. The miniature vessels of Insula VI.1 Pompeii. New evidence for Neighbourhood Cults. The Journal of FASTI Online. http://www.fastionline.org/docs/FOLDER-it-2015-325.pdf
Griffiths, D. G. 2015. The Roman Pottery (1968-9 and 2007-8). In Hobson, B., Clay, G. and G. Brown. The Romans in Huddersfield – A New Assessment. British Archaeological Reports 620.
Griffiths, D. G. 2014. Licht ins Dunkle bringen: Künstliche Beleuchtung in Pompeji. Antike Welt 1: 10-14.
Cool, H. E. M., White, R., Griffiths, D. G., Linnana, S, Bliss, A. and Pretty, K. 2014. The small finds from the Baths Basilica Wroxeter: a digital resource. Archaeology Data Service.
In press and forthcoming
Griffiths, D. G. Forthcoming. The Romano-British Pottery. In Robinson, G. Excavations at Thorpe Park, Leeds. NAA Monograph Series Volume 6. Barnard Castle: Northern Archaeological Associates.
Griffiths, D. G. Forthcoming. The Romano-British Pottery and Kiln. In Pratt, A. The Romano-British Settlement and Pottery Kiln at Carkin Moor, North Yorkshire.
Griffiths, D. G., In prep. The Pottery and Ceramic Oil lamps. In McCallum, M. and H. van der Leest, San Felice Roman Villa.
Griffiths, D. G., and G. Forster, In prep. An Urban Community at Pompeii. Research on Insula VI.1 by the Anglo- American Project in Pompeii: The House of the Surgeon Ceramics. Monographs of the Oxford University, School of Archaeology.